
Chaos Paradise Chapter 5

Deviation Actions

ZUROU-Zurocha's avatar

Literature Text


Zurocha: Oooh… I wish me and Shou-san would have a short duel…
ZUROU: *writes in reply slip* Granted. However, you belong to me no more.
Zurocha: Ha! I trickest thee! I am now free from thine evil hands!
ZUROU: Ahaha, I take that back. Actually, I wrote… Granted, but you accidentally hit Nazrin in the process, making her cry
Zurocha: Ha~! Thou dost not mean that cutie, dost thou not?
ZUROU: Oh yes… I do *sadistic smile*
Zurocha: Alright, I can get out of this. First… I have to apologise to Shou-san…
Shou: Alright here~ come out, come out, wherever you are, oh miss I-wish-to-die?
ZUROU: I strongly advice against that... RUN!!! Tigger, BE A GOOD TIGER!!!
Zurocha: Yaa~! Open one of thy gaps, please!
ZUROU: Granted. *opens gap to the Myouren Temple*
Zurocha *runs inside*
ZUROU: *breaks into diabolical laughter and puts on Light-Yagami smirk* Just as Flanned....
Zurocha: Demonic author...
Murasa&Nue: So you made her cry? *demonic grins* prepare to meet your grave!
ZUROU: Oh wait, she does not know Shou yet! Ah, nevermind… *Spins mayhem wheel and then presses red button*

Kennast thu se land wa se Tscherie Trea blom?

クラッター ~魔理沙!
Clutter~ Marisa!

Afternoon in Gensokyo and all is at peace… but then, that is getting repetitive. Not to mention that it always seem to break when I say that, don't I? So, let me rephrase that.

Afternoon in Gensokyo and everyone is safe and sound, as it has always been, with all the residents busy going about their daily lives. Hungry ghosts chasing after terrified sparrows, humans busy farming and the overheated youkai taking a bath by the Youkai Mountain's river, for example. Yup, all is safe and sound and everyone not sunburnt are apparently revelling in the heat, though that could not be said for those by the Misty Lake, those at the Bamboo Forest and those at the overgrown Forest of Magic.

Speaking of Forest of Magic, deep within the forest, after walking through a sunken paved path, climbing a harrowing 30-foot vertical climb through a mass of WET and SLIPPERY plant material, rocks and magical mushrooms, is a nice flat clearing just large enough to contain a small mushroom garden and a grey-brown mass in the shape of a house covered all over in dense foliage.

There is a sudden, loud banging and then the thing's door -which was grown over with vine roots- suddenly bursts open, revealing a quite messy dining room on the other side… scrap what I just said. It IS a house.
A girl comes out of the door, stretches her arms, exclaiming "Aah~ what a good afternoon, ze!"

The girl has golden-red eyes and matching pure-gold hair that reaches her upper back, and wears a black vest and a black skirt, above and under a white long-sleeved blouse and apron, respectively, and wears a black wide-brimmed witch hat with a red-white ribbon running around the cone (witches' hats have cones, right?), lower down, she wears black shoes over pink socks. At her left hand is a broom with a well-polished sandalwood handle and a soft, bushy head.

Kirisame Marisa, the former Ordinary Magician: during the course of ten years, she has accidentally activated the spell that turns human magicians into youkai witches, and thus has become Gensokyo's Kleptomaniac Firepower Witch.

She yawns once again and then opens her eyes after breathing a relaxed sigh, but immediately, after seeing the sight in front of her, her eyes immediately turn into circles as her jaw drops to the ground.

Varied outside-world objects lie scattered throughout her front yard of sorts (not that you could keep a clean front yard for long without hard work in this rapid-growth forest); creating a mess would make the worst hoarders proud. In fact, the inside of her house, though cluttered, at least has some arrangement. This one is not just clutter, but it appears as if someone dropped an entire garbage dump into her front yard (sans the smell.)

An ominous wind blows across the field, brushing a leaf against Marisa's left foot. The following scream creates a massive mushroom cloud that strips the nearby trees bare. "WHAT HAPPENE~D?!!!!"
The youkai magician starts stomping the ground like mad, screaming hysterically, "WHO IN THE F****NG WORLD DID THIS B***H OF A JOB TO MY BELOVED MUSHROOM PATCH!? Oh, I swear! When I catch her, I'll be sure to strip her bones BARE and give those idiots a BATH in her BLO-*BON*"
A washtub full of raw eggs falls from the roof, falling on the witch, knocking her out and ending her cussing… or not. Instead, it made the witch angrier as she instantly recovers and resumes cussing. "Oooh~ EGGS, EH? That's IT! I'm sending the culprit to he- *BOOM*"
From out of nowhere, a small red doll flies towards the raging witch and explodes, sending her flying towards a pile of junk that then collapses over her, knocking her out a second time, and right after the smoke clears, a young female voice says "Hey, Calm down you noisy idiot. I was like that when I found the same mess on my house. I thought that you were responsible… I guess I was wrong."
The person speaking has chin-length golden, slightly wavy hair, sapphire blue eyes, and wears a red headband, shiny blue vest with brown corset over a white blouse and a shiny blue skirt that nearly hides her black cross-laced boots. Dolls float around her, some holding bows, some lances and swords, some bearing shields, and yet others carrying apparently nothing.
She is Alice Margatroid, the Seven-Coloured Puppeteer and The First of the Forest's Human Inhabitants to turn into Youkai.
*Several Minutes ago*
Alice stares at the scene of pandemonium that was once her yard. The blond puppeteer starts shivering and, veins covering her entire face, angrily screams "F**K YOU MA~RI~SAAAA~!!!!"
*Back to the present*
From the pile of rubble, Marisa says "I'm amazed. I never thought that you'd cuss, Alice. Now, help me out of here, ze!", her situation something worth laughing to at least.
Alice sighs and pulls Marisa out, the black-and-white now Coated all over in burn-cooked egg white and black all over. After checking out her Black-and-White neighbour, Alice can't help at giggle at the pathetic sight that was once one the most powerful (in terms of raw firepower) beings in Gensokyo.
Marisa's face turns red as she realizes that, aside from basically cooking the egg whites solid unto her skin, the doll explosion also managed to make her look like a mad beggar who could not even pry a yen from a dead man's hand, as well as burning off some parts of her dress.
"H-Hey! Stop Laughing! That's not funny, you know!" protests the exasperated Marisa. However, this only manages to crack the puppeteer even more as evident by how her snickering is turning into a crazed cackle.
Realizing her words are not at all taking effect, Our favourite Black-and-White runs to grab the still-wet washtub in order to slam it onto Alice's head, only to trip on a basketball as she runs back to the seven-coloured puppeteer, sending the washtub flying high before landing at Alice's head, making a perfect hit and knocking her out.
Marisa gasps and then runs to Alice and, worried, shakes her wildly as she says "A-Alice! Are you alright?" to which the seven-coloured puppeteer groans and, relieved, Marisa pushes the washtub away and then backs away at Alice's sadistic smile and then realizes that her dolls have her surrounded… almost.
Right after saying "'Scuse me", Marisa jumps over Alice, stepping on the puppeteer's face accidentally before summoning her broom and flying off, only to be chased by dolls of Malice and one angry Alice.
The witch runs for dear life as the murderous dolls try to stab, shoot and explode in front of her. One highly predictable chase scene later, the Black-and-White and the Puppeteer sit cross-legged on a mat Alice has brought with her on a small clearing free (mostly) from the outside-world junk littering the yard, drinking tea. Marisa is completely in tatters and appears to be even more burnt than before and is holding Mushroom Bread in one hand and Mushroom Tea on the other. Alice, on the other hand, still looks fresh (save for the small bump on her head) and is holding a colourful fan-shaped biscuit with her left hand and a cup of Oolong Tea on the other.
"…it also happened to Rinnosuke" Says Alice in between bites. "I stumbled upon his house and found him lying under a red-coloured metal outside-world contraption with two rubber rings."
Both of them have been talking about what could have happened for the forest to be in its current messy state.
"Shoundsh wike an in-sea-dent" mumbles Marisa, not bothering to swallow her bread, or at least wash it down with tea. "And when der ish an incident… we go to…"
"…Reimu." both magicians say at the same time, Alice gracefully biting into her cookie shortly after while Marisa stuffs an entire loaf into her mouth.
"So, should we go?" asks Alice after a sip of tea, to which the Black-and-White replies "Aye Doon Noon" mumbles Marisa again, her mouth still full of the bread. "Maybe wee shooz go. Dash di bisht pirshun to run to in *gulp* incidents is Reimu…"
The seven-coloured puppeteer scratches her chin, muttering "well, it's not too bad a thing… I'll just have to leave a donation and then…"
Without warning, Marisa summons her broom, jumps on top, and then flies away, shouting "The last one to the *bite* Hakulei Shline musht poot money in zi Thonashon Voksh~"
Seeing the rapidly fading Speedster, Alice groans, packs her mat, and then says "I just hate it when I have to talk to her longer than four minutes…"

At the Hakurei Shrine, Reimu is still on the porch, drinking tea while Meibilin is still in front of the donation box, donating. The shrine maiden of paradise's face blooms with red as she stares at the Intently-praying Meibilin and then thinks 'She looks so cute… even whe- especially when serious… uuu~'
From the skies south of the shrine comes a very, VERY familiar voice yelling "Hey! Reimu!" and, as soon as the one-yen maiden hears, she groans and then says 'such a mood-breaker that one…' before returning to staring at Meibilin, who has now finished praying and then, after standing up, bows lightly to the shrine, looking all serious before turning to Reimu and smiling sweetly, pulling the last string by having Reimu see her sincere face.
Our lovable shrine maiden starts trembling and then, after a few seconds, arcs her back as a massive red lase- err, stream of blood shoots out of her nose, nearly hitting the approaching witch, who comments "That was Master Spark! That Reimu… what is she up to? Stealing my moves?"
Back at the shrine, Meibilin is gently prodding the Desiccated body of Reimu's who keeps on moaning 'No regrets~' over and over. "Miss Reimu, please wake up! I'll cook food for thee… just wake up, pleaa~se?" asks a teary-eyed Meibilin as she clasps her hands in front of her worried face. Unfortunately, our favourite shrine maiden is all out of lov- err, blood and can no longer do an epic nosebleed. However, the idea of Meibilin's food brings her back to life as she says "food~? Where?"
Meibilin puts a red apple on Reimu's hands as she says "I'll go cook, Miss Reimu. That apple should nourish thee in the meantime."
Reimu nods hastily and then walks outside, licks her finger, points it at the sky, and then, after a bit of concentrating, throws the apple in the air and the opens her mouth to intercept the falling red fruit, but is interrupted as a blur passes by, bringing the apple with it.
The blur slows down, revealing Marisa munching on the apple contentedly. "Hiya there Reimu, How are you? Good apples you have 'ere, ze."
The shrine maiden smiles sweetly at the magician, maybe *too* sweetly, making the Black-and-White back off in caution, saying "Wo-woah! Calm down Reimu! What is with you?"
Her smile turning into a sadistic grin, Reimu says in an ominous tone "Donate… or di-"
From inside the shrine, Meibilin's says "Miss Reimu! Thy food is ready!" and apparently, that saved her as the shrine maiden's grin turns into a sweet smile as she rushes inside the shrine eagerly. Too eagerly, Marisa thought. 'I never saw her act that happy at being called by someone… oh wait; I never heard that voice before!' and, peeking into the shrine, she spots Meibilin wearing the attached-sleeve version of Reimu's Costume. 'A new girl in the shrine? Is Reimu choosing her successor? Strange, I never saw her at the Human Village befo-'
"Come in, Marisa", suddenly calls Reimu, breaking her from her thoughts. "Try on Meibilin's food", the maiden says in between spoonfuls, making Marisa wonder how she realized that she was there… but then remembers that this is Reimu, whose intuition never fails.
"A-er… Coming, Reimu." Chuckles Marisa as she jumps out of hiding, scratching the back of her head and is about to say something, but is immediately silenced by the smell of the dishes on the shrine's small table and, by the looks of it, there happens to be a lot… and Reimu's gulping it down like Yuyuko!
However, just as the scent of food (and the rumbling of her still half-empty stomach) drives her forward, Meibilin suddenly jumps in front of Marisa, points the gohei at the witch, and then says "Kindly donate first and remove any footwear when you want to enter the shrine.", immediately tempting the witch to make a donation and, just as Marisa digs into her pocket, Meibilin turns to Reimu and then, tilting her head to the side asks "…did I get the script right, miss Reimu?"
The shrine maiden turns her head away from the cute temporary shrine maiden to hide her sudden blush and the thin line of blood dripping from her nose and, presenting a thumbs-up to Meibilin, says "Y-you got it perfect, Meibilin."
Meibilin immediately jumps in front of Reimu, lands without a noise, clasps her hands, places her clasped hands over her bosom, and then, smiling sweetly, says "Thanks~ Miss Reimu!"
.Reimu twitches again and then cups her hands in front of her nose just as another Blood Sign: Nosebleed Spark attack bursts out of her nose, stopping the attack's activation quite effectively. Meibilin, however, seeing all the blood, panics and then, after Reimu falls to the floor, starts shaking her vigorously as she says, with a worried tone "Reimu-san! Reimu-san! Art thou all right?", to which the sheepishly-smiling shrine maiden dizzily moans "I~m AlL RiGhT~"
Meanwhile, outside the shrine, ignoring the strange noises coming from inside the shrine, Marisa mumbles "now… where did I keep that… oh yeah!", and pulls out a small pack with the label "50 yen". However, just as she starts to Pour the coins inside the donation box, something crashes to the ground behind her, followed by some coughing inside a small impact-generated dust cloud.
"*pant* *pant* M-Marisa! Can't you wait for me? Understand that some are not as fast as you" says the person who lande- crashed to the ground.
Marisa turns around, grinning broadly and then says "Alice! Took you long enough!" and true enough, as the dust cloud settles, it reveals a panting, obviously spent Alice glaring at the black-and-white, the puppeteer immediately noticing the empty money bag on the thief's hands and, grinning, she says "So, it seems like I won't have to donate, eh?"
*Flashback, three days ago*
"GET OUT OF HERE YOU MONGRELS!" screams an angry Hakurei as she tosses the two magicians outside the shrine. "If you want to fight, then FIGHT SOMEWHERE ELSE! Also, one of you two has to DONATE to compensate for that pillar you BROKE!"
Terrified, the two magicians prostrate, say "As you wish, Oh queen!" and then start to fly home as fast as they could. However, just as Marisa kicks her broom off the ground, she adds "you Oni miko.", earning her an angry glare from the Oni Miko.
"What. Did. You. Say?!" angrily screams Reimu to the skies. However, right on time, Suika materializes in front of Reimu, wearing the Hakurei Shrine maiden outfit and, after taking a quick gulp from her gourd, she says to Reimu "She means me."
Reimu, seeing one of her childhood (smaller) outfits on the miko, grins sweetly… maybe too sweetly…
"uhh… Reimu?"
*back to the present*
"Yep, those were Nightmarish times…" says Marisa, who has her arms crossed while holding a cup of tea with her left hand, which, for some reason tastes too… bitter. "I got to agree" replies a drunk, childish voice from between the two magicians. Alice nods and then says "Yes, that's true Sui… SUIKA!"
"Well, that explains the odd taste" shrugs Marisa as she stares sadly at her tea, but her staring is cut short by Suika, who says "Hey, I came here to tell you that Reimu's been waiting for you to come inside. Do you want to eat that girl's cooking or not?"
Alice raises an eyebrow, but Marisa merely walks into the shrine. However, just as she turns to thank Suika, the Oni starts dancing, screams "BLACK AND YELLOW WITCH!!! BLUE AND GREEN WITCH!" and then collapses, moaning drunkenly.
Marisa blinks twice, mutters "I don't get it", and then continues inside the shrine. However, just as Alice follows the witch, Meibilin somersaults out of the shrine, lands in front of Alice, opens a scroll and then, in a professional voice, reads "Th- You are not pardoned to come inside, miss puppeteer and miss witch, unless tho- err, you donate to my donation box. It is suggested that you com… conm… corn… err, Miss Reimu, what is this written here?"
"That's Comply" shouts Reimu from inside the shrine, earning a snicker from Alice.
"…Comply. Therefore, you must pay. So, pay for that post you destroyed in thi- err, your last visit. Written by Hakurei Reimu on the date OO-OO-OO, Alice Margatroid oriented…"
"H-hey! Hold it" calls Reimu from inside the shrine. "You don't need to say that part!"
Somewhere in the bushes, a pair of red eyes stares viciously at the collapsed oni and then silently says "Operation Prank: Drunken Oni is a success."
Back to Alice, the seven-coloured puppeteer looks at Meibilin with an annoyed look on her face. "What makes you think I'll donate just to follow Marisa? She's not my boss.", and, upon hearing, the temporary shrine maiden gets on her knees, looks up at Alice with pleading eyes, and then asks "Ple~ase?", making the puppeteer shiver and turn cherry-red but somehow managing to avoid causing to actually lose control of herself, she responds "I'm sorry, but I really don't think I would… I'm broke at the moment.", and as if to emphasise the fact, she shows Meibilin the slightly worn hem of her dress.
Meibilin returns to a standing position, looking deeply into the scroll again, and, after a few seconds, mutters "Ah… here it is: In case the previous two attempts fail, attaque à la démon~!"
Alice's face turns pale as she backs off, saying in disbelief "What… she… Reimu… Wha-" 'Reimu wouldn't get anybody in danger just for donations!', then, looking up, sees Meibilin charge with her trident and barely manages to block with one of her dolls –which was sliced into two- a powerful horizontal slash as the newcomer yells "For Reimu, the Shrine and Donations!"
Inside the shrine, Marisa and Reimu sit side-by-side, watching the battle as they casually eat their food. "So," the witch says, "I have something to tell you, Reimu.", making Reimu turn to face her friend. "At the Forest of Magic…"
Back to Meibilin and Alice, the newcomer bats away one of Alice's lance dolls with her trident, sending the doll flying towards a second doll, which apparently is an explosive doll as it burst on contact, knocking out three nearby dolls. However, at the same time, two sword dolls charge from behind, narrowly missing Meibilin as the newcomer jumps to the side. As she does so, she drops a small bag of clear, yellow liquid, but no-one seems to notice this.
Alice sends out ten lance-bearing dolls around the area as Meibilin tries to approach the puppeteer from the side, making her move back cautiously, only to step on the packet placed earlier and slip as the yellow liquid –oil, it turned out to be- bursts out of the bag, causing the puppeteer to lose control of her dolls and immediately, Meibilin lunges forward and, pointing her trident at Alice's neck, says "So… donations?"
Alice sighs and then says "Tch, that was a dirty trick, you. Fine… I'll donate, but stop pointing that thing at me." 'That's dangerous.'
Meibilin gasps, sheathes her trident and, offering a hand to Alice and apologetically says "My mistake. How art thou? Tell me if I have brought harm upon thy body.", Seriously, one cannot enter a fight blindly and expect that no-one is going to get hurt. However, in this case, since no real hits were landed, there were no injuries aside from Alice's bottoms hurting a bit from the sudden slip.
Alice accepts Meibilin's hand and as she straightens out, she rubs her behind a bit as she mumbles "ouch… my butt~", and then, turning to Meibilin, she says "So… I guess I should donate now, huh?" to which the new shrine maiden nods. Alice's answer is her walking to the donation box -still petting her behind- and then dropping roughly 50 yen inside, bowing, and then walking into the shrine, all the while thinking 'Why does she use old-fashioned speech, I wonder? I swear I heard her use it.'
Anyway, once inside, Alice gets caught inside an impossibly fast dialogue between the Maiden and Witch. "…doesn't this sou…" "…yes, Marisa. I know tha…" "…can't be serious! Thi…" "…The tip of the iceberg?  There is…." "…Forest of Magic getting dirty is bad enou..." "…my problem. It's yours, if you know…"
"Can somebody kindly tell me what's going on in here!?" cuts in Alice, smiling sweetly with veins running all around her face, making the two in front stop and look at her. However, they both shrug, stare at each other in the eyes and, yawning, Reimu says "Nah, not my problem anyways… It does not sound major and cleaning up the Forest of Magic is not my concern."
"REIMU!!!" the two magicians yell in synch. "Oh lovely my ass, ze! How could you…" -Marisa "…Shrug it off like that?" -Alice "It's not about the mess…" -Marisa "…what if something happens, huh?" -Alice
The red-and-white stares at the two, dumbstruck for a while before shrugging, and then, after tossing a fried morsel from the plate, says "I really don't care about it as of now as it doesn't seem to be a bother and seems harmless. I'll take action when something happens though."
"Not a bother… harmless… easy for you to say: you don't have to clean up an entire forest…" mumbles Alice quite unhappily as she falls over, anime style. Marisa, on the other hand, merely huffs and, placing her hands on her waist, she says "Ah well, these things seem interesting and maybe I can sell some of these to Kourin. I bet I'll earn quite a lot from that loot."
The witch then slaps Alice's back as she says "Hey~ Why don't we go home and fix the mess over there?"
The puppeteer does not move, merely grumbles "All the way here for nothing…." and without second thought, the black-and-white picks up the puppeteer, who immediately protests, tosses her on her broom, and then flies away.
Reimu and Meibilin cover their ears as Alice screams in surprise and then immediately grabs the shaft of Marisa's broom before she falls off, forgetting she can fly as twin waterfalls trail from her eyes, Still screaming… now with terror.
The shrine maiden stares at the rapidly-disappearing dot and then, walking back inside the shrine, sighs, "At least they donated…"
As for Meibilin, she shrugs and then starts cleaning the grounds, noting how hungry Reimu seemed to be for donations… so hungry that she even sent her to extort. Good thing she bought one of those slippery liquids they call Trickster's Oil…

The next few days went perfectly for Meibilin.
She wakes up early and cleans the grounds, always finishing before Reimu wakes. As soon as the red-and white wakes, she handles the cooking while Reimu readies the tea. After that, as Reimu takes her seat at the porch, drinking tea, she goes to the back of the shrine, training vigorously until sundown with her trident using wooden dummies that she always repairs after each session.
Occasionally, Marisa comes by, usually just to hang out and either drinks tea with Reimu, in which case Meibilin readies the tea, or hangs around at the back and watches the new shrine maiden train.
Every few days, Meibilin goes to the Human Village either to buy supplies such as food or new wooden dummies or to do favours in the name of Reimu and the Hakurei Shrine. With each visit, the humans start treating her treating her more normally with the staring being less frequent and intense. Somehow, she rarely gets attacked on her way to the village and back, being attacked only occasionally, in which case she easily beats her opponent using trickery and non-fatal side-swings of her trident.
As she does so, she sometimes meets new faces. Among them are…
Reisen Udongein Inaba: a lunar rabbit that runs a medicine stand, selling various medicines ranging from fever cures and aphrodisiacs to seduction potions and even medicine that promises to cure cancer. Deciding it a good idea, she bought several potions from the rabbit, as well as some energy pills that she hopes will boost her training. The rabbit's claim was that it is 'the best the moon has to offer and more.'; she has red eyes and light pink hair and wears a white shirt, a pinkish business suit complete with tie and a short skirt. Being a rabbit, she naturally has rabbit ears. Hers stand straight and has two buttons at the bottom. Lower down, she wears blue suede shoes.
Sakuya Izayoi: the Elegant Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion who happened to be shopping for the SDM reserves when Meibilin was strolling around the Village Square. Noticing how the silver-haired girl seems to be overexerted, she volunteered to take half of the load and learning the location of the SDM in the process. She has silver hair, blue eyes and a blue maid outfit with a short skirt.
On her way back, she met a blue-haired Ice fairy with six icicle wings wearing a blue dress named Cirno who tried to attack her. However, she easily subdues the fairy and heals her with a vial she bought from Reisen before resuming her walk back to the village.
It did not take a minute after the battle with Cirno when a girl with cerulean eyes and long green hair tied with a golden ribbon into a ponytail blocks the newcomer and thanks her for sparing Cirno. She introduces herself as Daiyousei. She wears a long blue dress with grey borders and sleeves. Her wings are crystalline with golden trims, but unlike Cirno's, look more like traditional fairy wings.
She also meets Keine Kamishirasawa, the village's self-appointed protector, historian and the owner and sole teacher of the village's only school. A were-hakutaku, she has the power to create and destroy history when the moon is full. On other days (or nights) however, she can merely hide history. Loved by humans, she was wary of Meibilin and her trident at first, but soon eased up and befriended the newcomer. She has red eyes and long white hair that reaches her lower back, wears a sleeveless blue dress that hides her shoes over a white blouse with puffy short sleeves. A strange feature of her is a house-like hat on her head coloured blue with red markings and ribbons on it.
And then there's Mokou, who she met when she came to visit the hakutaku one fine afternoon. A ravishing white-haired beauty beyond human ideals, she happened to be quite a good chat most of the time but otherwise moping about not dying. Her white hair reaches her lower back and tied at places with charms, has red eyes and wears a loosely buttoned long-sleeved shirt and red pants covered with charms similar to those in her hair. She also wears red-painted geta.
At night, Meibilin relaxes at the hot springs as Reimu cooks. After dinner, as Reimu does her night-time round, Meibilin readies the living quarters for sleeping. In the time between Reimu's ending her round and her finishing setting the futons, Meibilin walks around, savouring the night.
The days go peacefully by like this for three weeks before Marisa swoops in and then boasts that she has already cleared her yard of the clutter. For some reason over such an accomplishment unrelated to the shrine, Suika pops out of nowhere and declares a feast to be held the next day. Marisa cheerfully agrees and, ignoring the protests of one red red-and-white, suggests that it be held in the shrine.
Defeated two-on-one, Reimu grumbles "Fine! But make it clean, at least!"
Overhearing the small oni's declaration, Meibilin stops her usual afternoon training and then sighs. "A feast, huh? Looks like I'm in for some work…"
Pointing her trident downwards, she looks up at the sky and mentally readies herself for the big event tomorrow. This is going to be her first Gensokyo-an Hakurei Shrine Feast.

Yep, there we have it. Despite the character having Marisa's name, it really does not focus that much on her.
Oh, and I've been cutting down the length of my chapters so that I may update with higher frequency. However, just as I said to Mima, I should also take it easy sometimes so that my mind will not bring me off-course and so that I may keep the story straight. (I rewrote it before because of complications related to rushing)

I refer to Alice as Mage, Seven-coloured Puppeteer and Puppeteer here. Marisa, on the other hand, is a Witch, Thief, and Black-and-White.
Ah, yeah… I don't know whether I depicted them properly. Here are their personalities, my version:
Reimu - Cool-Headed, Donations, Lazy, Lazy, Lazy, Mostly Hospitable, Slave-Driver, Lazy
Alice - Cool-Headed/Mature, Calm, Logical/Systematic, Patient, Hard-Working, Dignified
Marisa - Happy, Thief, Overactive, 'Ze', Hard-Working, Slightly Insane, Weird Logic, Optimist
Meibilin - Slightly Insecure, Cute, Generous, Loyal, Lovable, Archaic
Remilia- Cute, Charismatic, Cool-Headed, Childish, Mature, Spoiled, Lolita
Sakuya- Loyal, Lolicon, Knife, Punctual, Elegant, Maid, Natural
Patchy- Bookworm, Analytical/Systematic, Calm, Defensive, Anti-Ze, Magician
Sayu- Whimsical, Archaic, Defensive, Polite, Mannered, Generous
Kotori- Gensoklopaedia, Childish, Mature, Weak-Hearted, Innocent

Oh, and even though I am using archaic speech for Meibilin, Sayu and (later) Futo, don't expect me to use the third-person -eth (as in Flandre Knoweth) for now. After all, I am still learning the second-person -est (as in Thou Knowest) [modern Flandre Knows/ You Know, respectively]
Expect the girls that have my Archaic tag to use You, Your, Yours and Ye, though not in a singular, but in a plural sense. Thus, they won't be saying "you two" anytime soon. Also, they might use "my" but are more likely to use "Mine" (My Eyes = Mine Eyes)
Please, Review et Review~! They are the Mystia Loreleis of the writer's soul… and as before, feel free to correct me, but state thy reviews kindly. I really can't stand when it is put as harshly as that person did in the past (want some mudkips, mi amigo?)
~~~~~Randomness Corner~~~~~ [Please ignore this if you are not interested in the small lines I put before the chapter title. Confusing to those without knowledge of language relations]
Kennast thu se land wa se Tscherie Trea blom?
This Anglisc sentence uses slightly modified old English words, mostly the result of an effort to eliminate the relative awkwardness of the original words.
Kennast = Knawest \ Tscherie = ?Cherise? \ Trea = Treowa \ Wa = Hwar
If I used unmodified Anglisc, I reckon it would be something like "Knawest thu se land hwar se Tscherie Treowa Blom?"
Somebody want to take the challenge to translate it? This one is easy enough… ufufufu. Congratulations to the one who would translate it perfectly… if one does.
Oh, and don't ask me to make straight sentences in Anglisc. I am still learning and I have a feeling that my grammar would be one to drive Germans wild with laughter.
As before, sorry if DevArt does not support UNICODE
and as before... I also got to copy straight from my original MS WORD version, and not through
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